Sunday, May 3, 2015

I'm Back!

So, after over a month of not writing, I'm finally back!

After graduation, we didn't have internet for a little bit. Then it started working again. Then we went to Arizona for my sister's reception (another post in and of itself - 14 hours in a car with a baby - whew!). Then Jayze started school again and has had to take the computer every day to class, and has worked on homework at nights. Thus, no computer time for me. The cons of sharing one computer between us.

But I've made it a goal to start blogging again. Since I've been graduated, I haven't written at all and I feel like the things I've learned have already started lagging. And I feel like if I actually write my goal on here to blog and write in my journal, then it will actually happen. So much has happened, and I know I'll forget all of the details if I don't write them down.

As an English major, obviously I feel like writing is so important. But not just as an English major, but as a person in general. Even if someone feels like they can't write well, still write! I know that when I write every day, I get better at it. It's the same with exercising, reading, cooking, any goal really. I've learned in the past and am still learning now that consistency in setting and achieving goals is key.

I think another reason I haven't blogged as much is because writing exposes so much of me that it can be intimidating. I write to an imaginary audience, whether that's me or someone in my mind or just a general sense of the people who may read this. Yet, as I've read messages and comments from others who have read this blog, I have been inspired to keep writing. To keep exposing me because my imaginary audience isn't actually as imaginary as I thought.

So I'm going to keep writing because writing is a part of me. It's important, it's more than me in so many ways, and it's what helps me heal, laugh, cry, celebrate, savor, remember...

"In the end, [writing is] about enriching the lives of those who will read your work, and enriching your own life, as well. It's about getting up, getting well, and getting over. Getting happy, okay? Getting happy.” 

-Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

1 comment:

  1. That is so awesome that you fulfilled your vision and graduated with your cute little Aiden there to celebrate with you guys! SO awesome!

    Hope you have a wonderful summer there in Idaho!

    Keep dreaming and working towards those dreams. We stay at home mom's often loose the ability to do that as we focus to much on others.

    :) Take care!
