Sunday, December 14, 2014

2 month stats

Aidan went to his 2 month checkup after I wrote about his two months, so I finally have his stats! I don't want to forget them, so I'm documenting them here just in case we lose the paperwork.

December 5, 2014

Weight: 13.31 lbs (60-61 percentile)

Height: 24.75 inches (95th percentile)

Head Circ.: 16 inches (81 percentile)

BMI: 15.3
I was all-out prepared for Aidan to be screaming, crying, and whimpering for a few days after he got his shots. But he actually only cried right when they gave him his shots and stopped crying once I picked him up. The nurse advised me to give him warm baths and move his legs a lot to help with the pain. He seemed a little bit uncomfortable, but he just slept a lot. In fact, that night he slept for 10.5 hours. Jayze and I woke up surprised and well-rested. I had expected to be up all night with him. We only gave him pain medicine once a couple of days after. What a trooper! However, ever since then his sleep schedule has been wayyy off.

Aidan will be three months old before we know it. He is growing up way too fast. I love him so much. 

1 comment:

  1. Best selfie ever. That face, though--how do you just not nibble on his cheeks ALL THE TIME? :)
