Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New Year's Resolutions

Okay, so I have been thinking about this since BEFORE January 1st, and I still haven't written them all down or have them all figured out.  New Year's Resolutions.

Maybe I'm scared that if I actually write them down then I will feel stressed about them.  I'll feel pressure to get them done and then feel like a failure if I don't achieve them.  BUT, that's just self-doubt starting to creep in, sooooo here goes....

Over-arching goal - Be Consistent

Now think of a spiderweb under the "Be Consistent."  (If you are reading this Brianne, thanks for the tip on the periods inside the quotes, you know what I'm talking about - you are always right!)  :)  Below are five areas I want to be consistent in this year.  And why is that?  Because being consistent is soooo hard for me!  I try to do too many things at once, start out really great, then start slacking off and end up dropping the whole thing.  So, that is why the main goal is to be consistent.

Be consistent in:

1.  Emotional - Write in my journal once a day and write in my blog at least once a week.  I've heard that if you want to be a good writer then you must write.  My goal is to become a freelance editor, and if you are a good editor, then you are a good writer.  If you are a good writer then chances are you are a good editor.  It goes hand-in-hand.  Writing in my journal is therapy and writing on my blog helps me watch what I write more closely.  Perfect practice.  :)

2. Mental - Still haven't figured this one out.  I'm thinking about reading a non-fiction book once a month, or even just reading one or two books a month.  Even with all the reading that goes on in college, I feel like I'm out of practice.  Reading out of a textbook just isn't the same as reading what you choose.  Being an English major, I want to get out there and read some books like Les Miserables, Crime and Punishment, The Count of Monte Cristo, and other books like that.  We'll see. 

3. Physical - BYU-Idaho has what they call the 9-week Fitness Challenge.  You exercise at least three hours a week for nine weeks; go to one, on-campus evening fitness class a week; and attend one wellness workshop.  My goal is to exercise at least four times a week, and I think doing the 9-week challenge this semester will be great motivation.

4. Spiritual - Read my scriptures every day, even if it's just one verse.  To help me get in the habit, I want to do the 40 Days Closer to Christ.  I have done it once before, and it helped me stay consistent with my scripture reading as well as fall in love with the scriptures again.  Essentially, if you follow it, you end up reading the entire Book of Mormon in 40 days.  After that, I'll stick to studying by topic and other scripture study practices. 

5. Social - Still working on this one, too.  :) 

Here's to a beautiful, adventurous, improving, awesome, stressful, joyous, NEW YEAR!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Okay. Leaving a comment for someone who aspires to be an editor is a little bit intimidating! lol! I know I am awful at capitalization, spelling and punctuation. (pretty much I am just a lazy typist) I bet you can get lots of editing practice is you read my comments! :)

    On another note.....I was looking at your Christmas tree pictures and say your family picture wall. I LOVE it! I recognize some pictures I took! I have had a whirl wind of a life since your wedding and it feels good to see those pictures and to think that somewhere in my mind and brain...and in my hands that hold a camera...I have the ability to capture some awesome memorable moments. Right is so far on the back burner for me. Looking at your pics makes me think that I need to do something to fix that.
