"How are you feeling?" one of the secretaries at work asked me.
There was that question again. How do you answer such a question after you have just lost a baby? After you have just given a part of yourself away and buried it in the ground? After your heart has been shattered into a billion pieces, never to be quite the same again?
"I am angry all the time," I confided, slightly ashamed, slightly confused.
Grief is a funny thing. They say that you go through stages of grief - denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. I think I am abnormal, because I think I only experienced three of those - denial, anger, and depression. I don't think I had made it to the acceptance stage yet. Well, maybe I had, but it was coming in steps - not all at once like I thought acceptance did.
I experienced denial at the doctor's office when they told me that my baby had died.
I experienced denial at the hospital when those two words, "Fetal demise," came from the mouth of the front desk lady.
I experienced denial when the somber mortician walked into the room and started discussing options with Jayze and me.
I experienced depression in the weeks ahead. I cried. I cried a lot.
There were times when I didn't want to do homework, get out of bed, see anyone, clean the house...
But anger, boy did I experience anger. I was angry at everything. I was angry when someone told me his pregnant wife was complaining that she was sick and that she wouldn't be able to enjoy Thanksgiving this year. "We'll have to get pregnant at a different time other than Thanksgiving," he told me she had told him. Bah, be grateful you are pregnant, my bitter heart said inside.
I was angry when people asked me how I was doing.
I was angry when people stopped asking me how I was doing.
I was angry whenever I checked the mail and there were a million sympathy letters. I didn't want letters. I just wanted my baby.
But then I was angry when I didn't get anything in the
mail. Did people already forget? How could people go on living their
lives when my baby was no longer living his?
I was angry when I went back for a check-up at the doctor's and the secretary at the front desk asked me as I was leaving if I wanted the "baby packet" they gave to the women who had just had a baby. And when I told her no, she pressed, "Are you sure?" Of course I'm sure! Don't you know who I am? Don't you know that I don't have a baby at home? Don't you know that that packet is useless to me? Don't you know who I am - the woman who was having a perfect pregnancy and then lost her perfect baby? Someone, tell that woman to get a clue and to not talk to me ever again.
I was angry when I heard about the birth of other babies. I was angry when those same people posted pictures of their babies on Facebook. Were they trying to pour salt into a fresh wound?
I was angry when I saw and heard about pregnancy announcements. How dare they be happy? Didn't they know it could happen to them too?
I was angry when other people admired other people's babies in front of me. Didn't they know I had just lost a baby and that no one could admire him with me?
I was angry when a mom complained about their babies or children. Be grateful you have a baby. Be grateful you have children. Be grateful you can practice being a mom right now.
It wasn't just about babies, pregnancy, or motherhood either...
I was angry when Jayze asked me what was for dinner. Oh, you're hungry? Well, I don't know what's for dinner. Why do I have to be in charge of it all the time, anyway? Take your turn.
I was angry when Jayze didn't cry with me. When the way we grieved was different from each other's. Aren't you sad all the time too? Don't you feel the same way? How can you already be over it?
I was angry when Jayze didn't answer my texts or phone calls right away. Wasn't I more important than whatever he was doing right then? Was he okay? Didn't he know that I worried something had happened to him when he didn't answer me right away? Was he trying to scare me?
I was angry when Jayze asked me to pick my clothes off the floor (a bad habit I have when I get stressed). Just deal with it, okay? It's not that big a deal.
In fact, I was angry with Jayze ALL the time. Why was I so angry with him?
Because I had to go throughout the whole day answering thoughtless, not really wanting an answer, "How are you's?" At the grocery store when the cashier asked me, when someone came into the office, when my teacher walked into the classroom and asked how everyone was doing...
Because I had to go through the whole day with a forced smile on my face, pretending everything was fine.
Because I had to go through the whole day feeling guilty for smiling, when I
didn't even want to smile anyway. Isn't it a lie smiling when all you
feel is empty and brokenhearted?
Because I had to go through the whole day not being able to explode.
Because I had to go through the whole day wondering who knew what had happened.
Because I had to go six whole stinkin' weeks without exercising because I gave birth to a baby I didn't have with me anymore. Six weeks of not being able to vent in any way at all. Six weeks of not being able to punch a bag, kick an imaginary villain, run until I couldn't run anymore - and then run some more.
So what did I do? I went home with all of those vent up feelings and took it all out on Jayze.
Let me tell you, grief is funny. Grief is sarcastic, bitter, selfish, idle, pathetic, and angry.
People said they admired me because I had every right to be angry at God, but I didn't seem to be. They were right. I wasn't angry at God...I was angry because I couldn't control anything. I couldn't escape from the comments of others. I couldn't escape from the million, every day reminders that my baby was gone. I couldn't escape from the stares of others, wondering how I was dealing with it all. I couldn't escape from thoughts that Satan put into my heart - that I was contaminated, that it was my fault, that I couldn't protect my own baby.
I was right in one thing. I couldn't control anything. I can't control anything.
But God can. So why was it so hard for me to trust in Him?
When I first moved into our new ward and was still happy and pregnant with Alma, the Relief Society president gave a talk about wives loving their husbands. I didn't really think it applied to me. Then Alma died, and I couldn't stop thinking about the story she shared about a woman who prayed to love her husband again. The story is called, "Falling Out of Love...and Climbing Back In." You can find it here.
This woman just didn't love her husband anymore. She had two options: divorce or a marriage full of unhappiness. Another choice popped in her head, why not try to fall in love again?
The story goes on to say how she fell back in love with her husband. It wasn't easy, and she couldn't have done it without Heavenly Father's help.
Well, I needed help. I needed help with my anger issues. I needed God to help me not be angry anymore with Jayze, with other people, and with myself. Could that be possible?
So, I prayed and prayed. And prayed. And prayed again.
A few weeks went by. I was able to exercise again and vent my anger through that instead of at Jayze. I started looking for the positive things in Jayze, rather than all the negative things. Once I started looking for the positive things, I saw them, and there were a lot! I started forgiving people for their comments. After all, didn't I say the same things when I was pregnant? They didn't know they were hurting me, so I tried not to take offense. Instead, I focused on them and kind of just brushed off the comments that didn't seem so offending after all.
I cried when I received sympathy letters - this time because I was happy someone had remembered me.
It felt good to hear things like, "What color was Alma's hair?" "How old would Alma be now?"
Even though I broke down into a watery mess every time someone sincerely, front-up asked me, while looking me in the eyes, "How are you doing?" I was grateful they cared. I could suddenly feel their love. I could feel that they really wanted to know because they took time out of their busy schedule to listen and to give comforting words. They forgot that it might be awkward, that I might be uncomfortable talking about it, and that they might be going out of their comfort zone to ask. That meant the world to me. Because I don't mind talking about Alma. I love it when people use his name. He is a real person. I had a real baby, with a real birth weight and height, with real fingers and toes, with real, beautiful dark hair.
It meant so much to me when one of my co-workers followed me to the bathroom when I had a breakdown at work and gave me the biggest, best hug ever and just let me cry on her shoulder for a little bit.
When that same day, that same breakdown, a woman I didn't even work with and had barely talked to had seen me booking it down the hall to the bathroom in tears and stopped me on my way back to let me know she cared. To let me know that the same thing happened to her daughter and that life is just hard sometimes.
Remembering people from my work offering their free flight points so Jayze and I wouldn't have to pay for the flight down to Arizona. When the secretaries from my work stopped by the same day Alma died, with a basket full of food and goodies, and tears and hugs and love.
When the Relief Society brought Jayze and me dinner before and after we came back from Arizona.
When my sister-in-law and brother-in-law brought us dinner and flowers the same day Alma died.
When the two doctors at the clinic I go to sent me a huge bouquet of pink and white flowers, letting me know they cared.
When I couldn't stop crying at night, so Jayze brought me the soft, baby blue blanket that reminded me of Alma. I clutched it, still crying, but able to cling to something solid that reminded me of my baby boy.
It meant so much when the same woman who gave me that blue blanket came to my home and gave me casts of Alma's feet and hands, a beautiful red rose, and a glass block with a Rexburg Temple figurine in it.
When my mom sent me a book she, my dad, and my sister made. I cried when I opened it. Jayze and I sat down together and read all of the quotes. It has been such a comfort. Just another reminder that my family loves me, that people have remembered my little Alma, and that my Heavenly Father loves me too.
When I started crying at the end of a visiting teaching lesson (one that I was giving), and my friend came over and sat by me, cried with me, and said, "It may sometimes seem that people have forgotten, but they haven't. They just don't really know what to say. But we love you."
And I totally understood. What would I say to someone in my situation if I hadn't gone through it myself? I felt other people's love, and that's all I needed.
I could go on and on and on about all of the good things people did or said to Jayze and me. The positive things were there, I just hadn't been looking for them. Once I started noticing the positive things, I realized that the good far outweighed the bad.
And slowly, gradually, little by little, I wasn't angry anymore. I stopped yelling. I stopped slamming doors. I stopped bristling when Jayze asked me to do a favor or when he told me something that would have made me angry before.
I started loving my husband again, with a fiercer feeling than I had ever felt before. I deeply love him.
I started loving others more, too.
And I thanked my Heavenly Father for my Savior Jesus Christ's grace. I thanked Him for loving me anyway. I thanked Him for giving me just a tiny amount of His love that made all the difference.
Things are still hard. My heart is still healing. But I am no longer angry.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Let me tell you a story...
I don't believe we are meant to go through our trials alone, so I hope that I can help someone somewhere out there who has also lost a baby, a loved one, or just needs a little hope. I do believe we are meant to be instruments in our Heavenly Father's hands. Jayze and I have felt the many, many prayers said in our behalf, and so many earthly angels have helped us, as well as angels beyond the veil, including our Alma. This is my small way of hopefully giving back...
On Thursday, August 29, 2013, we gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. He was 6 lbs. 2oz and was 20 inches long. His fingers and toes were just like Jayze's, and his nose, ears, and mouth were just like mine. He had dark hair, which I absolutely loved and was hoping for because all of the grandkids at that time on both sides of the family had blonde hair. We named him Alma Jayze Flake. He was perfect in every way except that he was stillborn.
It all started in Fall Semester 2012 at Brigham Young University-Idaho. Jayze and I took a religion class together called "Eternal Marriage." Our instructor was amazing, and we both learned so much from him, me in particular. It helped me look at marriage, families, and life in a completely new way. All the doctrine I had been learning about my whole life finally sunk in and made complete sense as our instructor taught in a simplified, yet profoundly deep way.
When Jayze and I got engaged, we talked about our future and decided I would be on birth control for a year and then we would start trying to have children. Jayze was more hesitant to do it that way than I was. I wanted a year with just Jayze and me - no kids! In fact, I was sooooo worried the birth control wouldn't work. I remember working at the office after our honeymoon, and this couple came in and talked to some of the employees who worked in the office right next to the one I work in. I could hear them excitedly announce they were just 8 weeks pregnant and, even though it wasn't planned, they couldn't wait. I sat there and thought, "Are you kidding me? I would be SO angry right now if the birth control doesn't work and Jayze and I end up with a honeymoon baby. There's no way I would be okay with that." Seriously, I would have been livid. Looking back now, I can see how sadly wrong I was. I needed to repent, but I didn't know that at the time.
One of our assignments in the Eternal Marriage class was to read about birth control and what the prophets and apostles have said about it (quotes here and here). A few quotes in particular stood out to me:
God has a plan for the happiness of all who live on the earth, and the birth of children in loving families is central to His plan. The first commandment He gave to Adam and Eve was to “be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth” (Genesis 1:28). The scriptures declare, “Children are a heritage of the Lord” (Psalm 127:3). Those who are physically able have the blessing, joy, and obligation to bear children and to raise a family. This blessing should not be postponed for selfish reasons.
“Supreme happiness in marriage is governed considerably by a primary factor—that of the bearing and rearing of children. Too many young people set their minds, determining they will not marry or have children until they are more secure, until the military service period is over; until the college degree is secured; until the occupation is more well-defined; until the debts are paid; or until it is more convenient. They have forgotten that the first commandment is to ‘be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it.’ (Genesis 1:28.) And so brides continue their employment and husbands encourage it, and contraceptives are used to prevent conception. Relatives and friends and even mothers sometimes encourage birth control for their young newlyweds. But the excuses are many, mostly weak. The wife is not robust; the family budget will not feed extra mouths; or the expense of the doctor, hospital, and other incidentals is too great; it will disturb social life; it would prevent two salaries; and so abnormal living prevents the birth of children. The Church cannot approve nor condone the measures which so greatly limit the family” (Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, 328–29).
“The Lord has told us that it is the duty of every husband and wife to obey the command given to Adam to multiply and replenish the earth, so that the legions of choice spirits waiting for their tabernacles of flesh may come here and move forward under God’s great design to become perfect souls, for without these fleshly tabernacles they cannot progress to their God-planned destiny. Thus, every husband and wife should become a father and a mother in Israel to children born under the holy, eternal covenant” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1942, 11–12). -Heber J. Grant, J. Reuben Clark, and David O. McKay
“I am offended by the sophistry that the only lot of the Latter-day Saint woman is to be barefoot and pregnant. It’s a clever phrase, but it’s false. Of course we believe in children. The Lord has told us to multiply and replenish the earth that we might have joy in our posterity, and there is no greater joy than the joy that comes of happy children in good families. But he did not designate the number, nor has the Church. That is a sacred matter left to the couple and the Lord. The official statement of the Church includes this language: ‘Husbands must be considerate of their wives, who have the greater responsibility not only of bearing children but of caring for them through childhood, and should help them conserve their health and strength. Married couples should exercise self-control in all of their relationships. They should seek inspiration from the Lord in meeting their marital challenges and rearing their children according to the teachings of the gospel’ (General Handbook of Instructions [1983], p. 77)” (Cornerstones of a Happy Home, 6). - Gordon B. Hinckley
These statements are very bold, and they spoke straight to my heart. Where before I thought there was nothing really said about birth control, here there were multiple quotes about having children and how family is the most important thing.
Our instructor also taught us the doctrine behind having children that totally opened my mind.
The reason we have children and families is because it is central to our Heavenly Father's plan. It gives us the opportunity to practice becoming even more like God. Even though that is stated in The Family: A Proclamation to the World, I had never looked at families that way before. Family is central. It is the whole reason why we are on this earth. Ultimately, in the end, it doesn't matter what kind of car we drive, how much money we make, or how big of a house we live in. What matters is where our priorities are. We won't be able to take any material things with us, but we can take our families and our knowledge with us. (D&C 130:19 and D&C 132:15-20).
I would like to say that after I read the quotes and learned the doctrine behind families I was sold on going off birth control, but I wasn't. My heart was still stubborn and wasn't willing to change.
Jayze kept feeling like we should start trying to have a family sooner than we had planned. I had a harder time with feeling the same way because I knew our whole lives would change once we got pregnant. Our lives had already changed just by getting married! I guess I thought that we would be married a year, then BAM! we would have a baby. But the baby has to bake for 9 months, and I didn't really think about that length of time. I was selfish and had worries and doubts. I didn't feel the desire to have a baby. I wanted to finish school, exercise without having to worry about hurting a baby inside me, worry about a crying baby outside of me, be able to go out whenever I wanted, save more money, and have more alone time with Jayze. It never occurred to me that I could still do all of those things with a baby.
Jayze and I talked more about it, and he helped me work through all of my feelings. He gave me a priesthood blessing (learn more about those here), which helped immensely. We made the decision to go off the pill and see if the Lord wanted us to have children at that time or not.
What happened in the following weeks really strengthened my testimony of taking a leap of faith and not seeing the miracle until after the trial of faith is over. I began to desire to be pregnant. I made a complete turnaround. We went off the pill in October, and I was sooooo disappointed when I wasn't pregnant by November or December. I finally missed my period in January and took a pregnancy test. It came out positive! I wanted to be sure, so I ended up buying two more pregnancy tests, and they came out positive too! I was pregnant!
I wasn't as happy when the morning sickness came. I tried to be as happy as I could because I know how many women are not able to get pregnant, and I wanted to be positive throughout the whole nine months.
Everything went as perfectly as can be expected. Despite having a hard time gaining weight at the beginning of the pregnancy, my belly still measured right on appointment after appointment. The baby's heartbeat was right on, and he kicked and stretched quite a bit.
It was such a special moment when we found out we were having a boy. Jayze and I both thought we were going to have a girl for some reason, so I eagerly anticipated the ultrasound technician to say, "It's a girl!" Instead, she said, "Well, you ready to hear what you're having?" Jayze and I nodded, and I kind of smiled like I knew what she was going to say. "You're having a boy!" What?!
But the cool thing is that Jayze and I both wanted a boy first, so it was just perfect.
I kept growing and growing and was getting nervous about starting school again, having a new person in our house, and quitting my job (I love my job soooooo much). I knew a piece of my heart was going to break when I left work, but I had developed a testimony of being a stay-at-home mom and it was worth it to me. This was my new desire - my new dream.
About 25 or 26 weeks |
28 weeks |
31 weeks |
36 weeks |
37 weeks and 2 days - August 26 |
On August 27, it seemed like my new dream had shattered. I had an 11:00 appointment. I left work, eagerly anticipating hearing my baby's heartbeat and seeing if I was at all close to going into labor (even though I was only 37 weeks - somehow I felt like he was going to come early, and I ended up being right). It was just going to be a routine check-up with the nurse. I was nervous because I was seeing a nurse I hadn't seen throughout the whole pregnancy, but I had loved all the workers at Madison Women's Clinic so far, so I figured it was going to be just fine.
It was the day I had to wait forever. Seriously. I don't think going to the doctor is a great idea in the middle of the morning, right before the afternoon, right before lunch, when it's so stinkin' busy. For some reason, as I kept waiting, I was getting more and more nervous. I was anxious about the upcoming birth because I had no idea what the birth was going to be like, and I didn't like waiting in the lobby or the doctor's office for so long. I just wanted to hear my baby's heartbeat and ask the nurse some questions I had on my mind and then make the routine call to Jayze to let him know the baby's heartbeat was "perfect" and my tummy was "right on" again.
The nurse finally came in, and she put the heart doppler on. Usually the nurses found the baby's heartbeat within seconds, but it took longer that time...
"I'm sorry, but I can't find a heartbeat." The words hung in the air, but I don't think they quite sunk in. No heartbeat? How could there be no heartbeat? He was perfect just last week! I felt him moving last night.
"We're going to do an ultrasound and see if we can find it on there."
As we waited for the ultrasound tech to come, the nurse tried to look for the heartbeat again, but nothing came up. She said, "I'm going to keep trying to find the heartbeat on the doppler, but it doesn't look like it's coming up. So, we're going to do an ultrasound and hopefully we can find it on there..."
She told me to call Jayze and have him come over. I didn't want him to have to come over. Wasn't everything going to be okay?
I called Jayze and then numbly walked into the ultrasound room. Suddenly, I did want Jayze there. I needed him there. I didn't want to do this alone. But everything was okay, right? Well, I wanted Jayze there even if everything was okay. The ultrasound tech finally came in and squeezed the warm gel onto my bare belly. The door to the room opened, and Jayze walked in looking mildly concerned. I gave him a small smile, relieved that he was there, but only half of my attention was on him. The other half was desperately looking at the ultrasound machine screen, wishing I could read it. Wishing I could see the outline of my baby. Wishing I could see my baby's heartbeat. Wishing I could see my baby move. I kept thinking that not being able to find his heartbeat was all a mistake. That our baby boy was playing a trick on us and his heart was going to start beating again and he would say "Gotcha!" and we would all chuckle with relief and stroll out of the office happy again.
Everyone was quiet as the ultrasound tech looked for a heartbeat. I wanted to scream at her and ask her how my baby was doing. Was he okay? He was alright, wasn't he? This was my perfect baby. Nothing could happen to him! But I just sat there, still numb. I couldn't say anything.
The ultrasound tech took some measurements and pictures of the ultrasound, shook her head a little, and then stopped. She gave the nurse who had tried to find the heartbeat earlier a small, knowing, kind of sad nod. The nurse turned to Jayze and me and said quietly, "I'm so sorry."
Jayze squeezed my hand hard as he started to cry. I couldn't cry. I couldn't believe it. This was all a mistake. The nurse led us into the next room and left us alone for awhile. I sat there, with Jayze crying in front of me, not knowing what to say or do or feel. It didn't seem real. It didn't seem like it was happening to me. Finally, the tears slowly came with the realization that our baby had died. Jayze scooted closer to me and held me as we cried and cried.
The nurse and doctor came back in and explained what was going to happen next. It all seemed like a blur. There was such a mix of emotions. Part of me was still in shock. Part of me was happy that I would be having the baby earlier than expected. That I would get to hold him in my arms. Then I remembered that our baby had died. Questions whirled inside my head. Was it even possible to have the baby? Did I have to have the baby? Did I really have to go through that? Couldn't they get the baby out some other way? How would they induce me? Would my parents come? Would Jayze's parents come? Would I have to go back to work that day? WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN? I just didn't know what to expect at all, and I was so scared. I was scared of having the baby. I was scared of seeing the baby. Would he look okay? Would I still love him? Would I be able to hold him?
The doctor was explaining as these things went through my mind. I would have the baby. I could have him the next day or the day after. I could go into labor on my own. If I didn't, then they would induce me.
The doctor checked me to see if I had already started to go into labor on my own, and miraculously, I was already at four cm. So, he told me I would either continue going into labor on my own, and if I did to go to the hospital. Otherwise, I was scheduled to go to the hospital on Thursday, August 29. The doctor and nurse were so kind. They made everything so much easier. Having all the facts, not emotions, laid out gave me something solid to think about.
We decided to have the baby the day after so that we and our parents would have time to register what had happened and make plans.
It was sooooo hard calling my work and our parents and our bishop (I was scheduled to go back to work after my appointment, but knew I couldn't face going after what had happened). I didn't want to talk to anyone, but at the same time, I wanted to tell people. I needed their support. I needed their love. Saying it out loud made it real, and I didn't want it to be real, but my mind needed me to realize it was real.
I didn't go into labor naturally, which I was actually really grateful for. Having it all scheduled out made it easier because there weren't any surprises.
My parents drove all the way up to Idaho in one day. Words can't describe how grateful I was that they came. The drive to Rexburg is long, especially when you do it in one day, so I really appreciated their sacrifice. I don't think I'll ever be too old to not need my parents.
Jayze and I were already asleep when my parents made it to our house. I actually slept well that night, considering everything that was going on. Another tender mercy from the Lord. I was scheduled to go to the hospital at 6:30 the next morning, and Jayze and my dad gave me a priesthood blessing before I went. How grateful I am for the priesthood!
I was nervous and didn't want to let Jayze out of my sight. We weren't able to find parking though, so he dropped me off, and I ended up waiting for him because I didn't want to go upstairs by myself. We finally found where we were supposed to go (the directions to the labor and delivery were confusing!). We got into the elevator and when it hit the second floor, the elevator dinged and the doors opened.
I let the front desk person know that I was scheduled to be there at 6:30. I remember her talking on the phone with another nurse, letting her know the situation (insurance reasons), and I'll never forget the words she used, "Fetal demise." My poor baby. How I wished he was alive! I kept hoping the doctors were wrong, that the ultrasound was wrong, and that a screaming, healthy baby would come out instead of my non-breathing baby. Hearing those two words made it even more real, and I felt numb, like I was in a fog, as she led me into the delivery room.
Jayze left for awhile to give someone my insurance information, and I missed his presence. I slowly changed into the hospital gown and climbed into the bed. I was so grateful when Jayze came through that door and stayed with me the rest of the time. It's amazing how much I depend on him.
Our nurse, Kristine, was wonderful. She was super spunky and told us that if we didn't want anyone in the delivery room with us, then she could be the bad guy for us. She was so nice and accommodating and made everything so easy. I had been worried because the front desk woman had told me that I would have a different doctor than I was expecting. I liked the doctor just fine, but I wanted the other doctor who was there when we found out Alma had died. I asked her about it, and she said, "Oh, no, Dr. [ ] will deliver the baby. He is the one on-call today. And even if he wasn't, we would have called him because he wants to deliver your baby." I was so grateful and relieved!
The nurse put an IV in me with the medicine to induce labor. After, she sat down right by my bed and asked a ton of questions, but it didn't really drag or get annoying because she had so much energy. She put me at ease right away. Whenever she left, I was a little anxious. She knew what she was doing, and I was worried something out of the ordinary with the labor or birth would happen whenever she was gone.
At around 8:15 the doctor came in and said, "Hey girl, how are you doing?" He was so nice. He and his wife had two stillborns, so I felt like he really understood - even deeper - what Jayze and I were going through. I was so grateful he was there, understood the situation, was sympathetic, and just understood. It is so much easier to take certain comments from people who have gone through the exact same (or similar) thing as you. It was easy to let him know how I was doing, cry in front of him and the nurse, and have them cry with me. I kept telling them, "If this had to happen, I'm grateful it happened in Rexburg and that I can deliver here at this hospital."
The doctor explained a little what he hoped was going to happen - that they would try to speed up the process and that I would hopefully deliver the baby with as little physical pain as possible. He checked to see how far along I was (I can't remember what I was dilated to at that point) and said he was going to break my water so that would help things move along more quickly. He broke my water around 8:30. My parents arrived about then, and I was grateful to know they were in the hospital. I just wanted Jayze, the doctor, and the nurse in the labor room with me (my original plans anyway) though, so they went and stayed in the waiting room with Jayze's parents and Jayze's sister, NaElle.
Before the doctor left, he asked us if we wanted an autopsy done on the baby. Jayze and I looked at each other not really know what to say. At a loss of what else to say, I asked, "Does it cost a lot?" The doctor explained that it would cost some money, but he recommended it because then maybe we would find out what had happened. Hopefully when the baby was born, they would find out what happened there, like maybe a knot in the cord or something strange with the placenta. But he told us to consider the autopsy in case nothing seemed wrong with the cord or placenta and let him know what we decided. There were so many things to think about - the funeral home, where to hold the services, where to bury our baby, and now if we should have an autopsy done or not. The doctor left, and I became more aware of the contractions as they got harder.
I hadn't practiced the breathing techniques that go with natural birth, but I was still trying to decide if I should go with an epidural or not. The nurse let me know that the doctor recommended I get an epidural. They wanted me to go through as little pain as possible, considering how much emotional pain I was going through. She said that women who don't practice the breathing techniques don't realize how painful birth really is, and it ends up being, well, not a very beautiful or tender experience. I opted for the epidural. The contractions hadn't been too bad at first, and they felt differently than I had expected them to. Slowly though, they began to get harder to where I couldn't concentrate on answering the questions very well or contribute to the conversation. I think the nurse noticed, because she asked me if I wanted the anesthesiologist to come in. I wanted to go as long as possible without it, but when Kristine told me that it would take about 20 minutes for them to actually get the epidural in and then another 10 minutes or so for it to start working, I said, "Yes!" I didn't think I could handle it after another 30 minutes.
The anesthesiologists were really nice. One of them cracked jokes the whole time, and the girl explained everything she was doing so I would know what to expect and what was going on. The contractions kept coming, and the nurse helped me breathe through them as I was sitting up waiting for the needle to go in. It was one of the hardest moments to sit completely still, during a contraction, and have the girl stick the needle in. Afterwards though, the effect was amazing. Both of my legs went completely numb. It was like being at the dentist, except for the bottom half of my body went tingly and numb, not my face.
Kristine kept looking at a screen that showed how hard the contractions were and kept asking me how the epidural was working. I would just feel pressure, not really pain. I think I was dilated to a seven by then. She said it would probably be another couple of hours, so she dimmed the lights, closed the blinds, and let me go to sleep during that time. I was to push the button if I needed anything.
Before I had the epidural and had been in the hospital room for a little bit, a woman by the name of Jill came in. She was carrying a baby blue, soft blanket. She told me that so many people in the hospital were praying for us that day. She held my hand as she said that, and then she handed me the blue blanket. She told me, "I want you to hold onto this while you are having the baby. It is something that you can hold onto and remember this moment with." For a split second, I didn't want that blanket. I didn't want something to remember my baby with. I just wanted my baby. Couldn't I keep him? Couldn't I hold him in my arms? Did I have to give him up? I took the blanket, but I honestly didn't think it was going to help much. Little did I know how much that blanket would comfort me that day and in the days and weeks and months ahead.
It was nice being there in the dark, holding Jayze's hand, and dozing. About an hour and a half later though, earlier than expected, I felt like the baby was lower and I wanted to push soon. I let Jayze know, and I pushed the button. Kristine came in, and she checked me and said, "Amazing." I was complete. That happened so fast! She said she could feel the baby, so she called in the doctor.
The doctor got ready, and I was anxious for him to hurry because I felt like I wanted to start pushing. It was almost like the contractions were pushing the baby out on their own, and I wanted the doctor there! He got settled, and the nurse and Jayze kept encouraging me as I pushed. Kristine said this part was like a marathon. It was like putting one step forward and taking one step back. Every time I pushed, the baby would come out a little bit, but then go back in. I wasn't super tired yet, though, so that was good. The doctor came in at around 11:20, and Alma was born at 11:42 p.m. It was so exciting and encouraging to hear things like, "I see his head. Nice and easy now. He's coming." Along with the nurse encouraging me and Jayze squeezing my hand and nodding his own encouragement.
When he was born, I wasn't worried about anything else. I didn't think about the placenta or about pain (I was numb, so I didn't really feel pain), or about anything I thought I would worry about when the baby was born. All I wanted to do was see the baby. The doctor had him in his hands, and I kept trying to catch glimpses of him. I finally asked, "Can I see him?" The nurse said, "Of course!" and wrapped him up and gave him to me even before she had cleaned him off. It felt so wonderful to hold little Alma in my arms. It was such a sacred feeling. I kept saying thank you to the doctor and nurse and looking at Jayze and gazing at our baby son. I couldn't stop looking at him.
He was perfect.
A few minutes later, my parents and Jayze's parents came in. They each held him, and it was such a special experience.
It was a beautiful day. The Spirit was so strong in that hospital room. Alma's spirit was so strong, too. If I could go back, I would do that day all over again just so I could hold Alma in my arms again and feel of his precious spirit again so strongly.
Jayze and I took turns holding him. Neither of us wanted to stop holding him, but knew we needed to give each other the chance to hold him. After about two hours, the nurse asked me if I wanted to take a shower. I wasn't too sure about it, considering I just gave birth and wasn't sure I could walk across the room. And I just wanted to be with my baby, but the nurse helped me. So, while Jayze held Alma, I was able to take a quick shower and go to the bathroom. I had torn a little, so I was sore, but I didn't really think about it. The nurse was the best and kept encouraging me, so I felt like I was going to heal just fine - physically at least. She got both Jayze and me some food. I kept drinking chocolate milk. I couldn't get enough of it! It seemed like everything was perfect. I couldn't stop rocking my baby.
But soon the time came for the mortician to take Alma away. That was the hardest part of the day. The hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life. It was around five in the afternoon when he came. I didn't want to let Alma go, but I knew I needed to. When the mortician was there, I cried and cried. And after he left, I cried and cried. I couldn't imagine going home without my baby. I felt so empty. I felt like something was missing. My arms felt heavy. It didn't seem right to have Alma in my tummy for 37 weeks, go through labor, hold him all day long, and then not be able to take him home. Jayze held me for a long, long time.
After Alma was gone, I didn't want to see anyone. I didn't want to stay in that hospital another minute either. What was the point? My baby wasn't there, so why should I be there? Suddenly, the Spirit was gone. I felt empty and sad and mostly just numb again.
Jayze didn't want to stay there anymore either, so we asked the nurse if we could leave. The nurse who had been with us the whole day had already left (her shift ended at six). She gave us each a hug before she left, and when she was gone, I felt even emptier. This new nurse didn't know - couldn't know. She didn't understand - couldn't understand. Maybe she did, but she didn't understand me or how I was feeling at that moment, when it seemed like our other nurse always knew exactly what to say, when to give me a hug, and be able to admire my baby with me. Those moments were gone. They were gone so fast - too fast.
The nurse said we could leave. Before we left, they gave us all these things, even toothpaste. Why would I need toothpaste? Why would I need a prescription for pain killers? They couldn't take the pain away from my heart. Fortunately, they convinced me to take everything. I couldn't have cared less at the time what I needed for me to heal physically. What I really needed was my baby. I needed to be figuring out how to nurse him, worry about his sleep schedule, wonder what habits he had, get used to putting him in the car seat, and be able to hold him whenever I wanted. But these needs and wants couldn't be satisfied. My baby was gone, and I didn't know if I would be able to see him again before he was buried.
No couple should have to figure out where they're going to bury their baby. How they are going to pay for the tiny coffin, the autopsy, the plane ride to where they want their baby buried, the morticians, the hearse, the grave plot.
I wanted to be paying for the car seat, the stroller, the diapers, the baby shampoo, the bottles, the blankets, the clothes, the crib bedding, the nursery decorations, the pack 'n play, the tiny fingernail clippers.
I wanted my family to be worrying about how they were going to get off work to come to the baby blessing, not how they were going to get off work to come to the graveside service.
I wanted to just say goodbye to my baby once, not a million more times after the hospital. I was grateful because I was able to see him again at the funeral home, and his spirit was so strong there. I had such a special experience there with him. But it was hard to say goodbye again. I thought that was going to be the last goodbye. That that was going to be the last time I had to walk away. But I had to say goodbye one more time at the graveside service - this time in front of everyone. I had to walk away one more time when I didn't want to have to walk away at all. No one should have to walk away from their baby.
But I guess the Lord was trying to tell me that it's not what I wanted. It's never about me. It's more about what the Lord wants. The Lord doesn't want me to suffer. He doesn't want to see me in pain. But He is with me every step of the way. He cries with me and comforts me and surrounds me with loving arms. He sends earthly and heavenly angels to buoy me up and help me live every single day when sometimes all I want to do is curl up in a ball and stay in bed. He knows that someday, I will understand why he took my firstborn son back to His presence when I thought it was too early. Someday I will understand that it was and is a blessing that I, as one of the people I see at work told me who had lost one of their children as well, "already have one socked away." That maybe I can find it in myself, through my Savior, to find the blessing amidst the trial. I don't think I'll quite understand until I get to see Alma again, but what I can understand is that the Lord was, and still is, reminding me to ask myself, "What can I learn from this?"
I can learn that we are all mothers. Wasn't Eve called "Eve" because she is the mother of all living - even before she bore children? (Moses 4:26)
I can learn that families really are forever. That the gospel of Jesus Christ really is true. That if I try with all my might, mind, and heart, I can be with my Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and Alma again. That Alma is okay and happy and excited to prepare and help send his siblings come down to Jayze and me.
I can learn that the prayers and fasting and temple blessings are so, extremely powerful. I look back and know I could only have said goodbye to my son because of the prayers of others. Because of the knowledge that I will see him again. Because of his spirit and the Lord's spirit that I felt uplifting me and supporting me through it all.
I can learn that others have gone through the same thing as me. And more will go through the same thing as me, and I will be able to hold them and let them know that I understand exactly how they feel and cry with them.
I can learn that motherhood is the greatest blessing of all. Right now I don't care as much about getting my degree. I don't care as much about being in the best shape of my life. I don't care as much about traveling the world. I don't care as much about how much money Jayze and I are going to have. Those things are not the ultimate reason why we are here on earth. In the end, it doesn't matter because I can't take those things with me. What I can take with me and have with me forever is my family. So, what I do care about is having children. Having little hands that need me. Having mouths to feed, scrapes to kiss and put bandaids on, minds to read to, curious questions to answer, and spirits to nurture. I care about holding precious souls in my arms, knowing they came fresh from my Heavenly Father's presence. I care about worrying and praying that my children will make the right choice and gain a testimony of their own and have their own personal relationship with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I care about worrying and praying that my children will choose a happy and righteous lifestyle. I care about worrying and praying that my children will make it home safely after a school dance. I care about worrying and praying that my children will be safe on their mission. I care about worrying and praying that my children will marry a good person.
I can learn that it's okay not to be okay. That it's okay to cry. That it's okay to mourn. That it's okay to grieve. That it's okay to have hard days. That it's okay to let Christ in and heal my broken heart.
Life isn't easy. Trials come to all of us. The trick isn't how to get out of the trial. The trick is figuring out how you are going to react to the trial. And I know that this trial of mine has been so much easier with Christ walking with me every step of the way.
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Until we meet again. |
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Funny Moment
So the other night one of my friends in my ward texted me. It was about 5:45p.m. I had just gotten home from work, sat on the couch, and my phone went off. I thought, "I knew it! I just got home and Jayze got off early and now I need to go pick him up." I wasn't mad or anything, it was just kind of funny. He usually gets off at six.
Well, I looked at my phone, and it wasn't Jayze, but, like I said, one of the girls in my ward. The text said, "Hey, can you come over and listen to me sing?" I was thinking, "Me? Listen to her sing? How does she know I like singing? But even though I like singing, I'm not one to go over and give great advice about singing!" So I texted her back, "This is Sarah. Did you text the right number?" haha.
The text back, "Yes, of course I meant you!"
So, I went over. I REALLY wanted to hear her sing, too! I have missed being in music, and I thought it was so fun that she would invite me to come listen to her.
A couple of other girls from the ward came and listened to her, too. She was performing the song the next night and wanted to practice in front of some people so she could get used to it. She was soooo good! I had no idea she could sing that well!
Anyway, Jayze ended up getting a ride home from work, and so I was able to stay longer and hear her sing a couple more times. When I got home, I told Jayze what was up and he asked me, "So, what is she singing?"
Without thinking about it, I said, "Alone, by Heart."
Then, "What?"
I looked up. "She's singing 'Alone' by Heart."
He stopped what he was doing and said, "Well, I didn't think she was going to sing a duet with music in front of her!"
He was completely serious, and I just started laughing.
"Alone" by Heart. Who knew?
She performed amazingly by the way - by herself and without sheet music.
Well, I looked at my phone, and it wasn't Jayze, but, like I said, one of the girls in my ward. The text said, "Hey, can you come over and listen to me sing?" I was thinking, "Me? Listen to her sing? How does she know I like singing? But even though I like singing, I'm not one to go over and give great advice about singing!" So I texted her back, "This is Sarah. Did you text the right number?" haha.
The text back, "Yes, of course I meant you!"
So, I went over. I REALLY wanted to hear her sing, too! I have missed being in music, and I thought it was so fun that she would invite me to come listen to her.
A couple of other girls from the ward came and listened to her, too. She was performing the song the next night and wanted to practice in front of some people so she could get used to it. She was soooo good! I had no idea she could sing that well!
Anyway, Jayze ended up getting a ride home from work, and so I was able to stay longer and hear her sing a couple more times. When I got home, I told Jayze what was up and he asked me, "So, what is she singing?"
Without thinking about it, I said, "Alone, by Heart."
Then, "What?"
I looked up. "She's singing 'Alone' by Heart."
He stopped what he was doing and said, "Well, I didn't think she was going to sing a duet with music in front of her!"
He was completely serious, and I just started laughing.
"Alone" by Heart. Who knew?
She performed amazingly by the way - by herself and without sheet music.
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