Monday, December 1, 2014


Trying to catch up on everything that has happened! Here are a few significant moments...

Smiles: Aidan has started smiling! He started kind of smiling on November 12. I would do everything to get him to smile. Finally, he gave me some huge smiles when he first woke up on November 18. It totally melted my heart.

November 12, 2014

November 18, 2014

Baby Blessing: Aidan Nelson Flake was blessed on Sunday, November 23 by his handsome daddy, Jayze Flake. I was pretty much emotional all day. It was such a sacred day for us. I felt Alma close by and knew that he was there for the event. It's still amazing to think that things can change so much in one year. Last year I cried during baby blessings because we didn't get to bless Alma. Aidan has already helped my heart to heal in so many ways. I am so, so grateful for him.

Left: Grandpa and Nana Dee Flake, Right: Nana and Pop-pop McCleve

Flake Family - missing the Busch's, Daliah, Katie, Molly, Abe, and McKay (and Aidan was taking a nap)

McCleve Family - missing the Andersen's (and Aidan again - I knew he would cry if I woke him up!)

Two months: Aidan turned two months old on Tuesday, November 25.

  • He loves his baths now that I don't do them in the kitchen sink anymore. He seems way more content in the bathroom on his little bathtub. 
  • He drinks 5-6 oz every 3-4 hours.  Growing boy!
  • The longest stretch he has slept at night is 7 hours - can't wait until it's consistent and longer! Although it's nice because he is getting pretty good at putting himself to sleep when I swaddle him and set him in his pack 'n play for a nap or for bedtime.
  • My Grandma bought him a play gym and he LOVES it! He'll lay there and smile and coo for awhile.
  • I'll find out how much he weighs this week when we go in for his two-month checkup.
  • He loves it when I play peek-a-boo with him.
  • He is out of his newborn clothes (sad day, yes I cried) and now wears 0-3 month clothes.
  • Hates being in his car seat unless he is asleep, the car is moving, or we are rocking or swinging it.
  • LOVES the light. He will stare at it constantly.
Apparently it was a bright-colored day. :)

I'm excited to see what else is in store for us as he keeps growing.

Thanksgiving: It was Jayze's and my third Thanksgiving since being married and Aidan's first one. We pretty much cooked all day and Aidan slept a lot! Jayze loves pie so we made a lot. We also baked a turkey, opened a can of black olives, mashed up some potatoes, mixed up some orange juice, made gravy from the turkey drippings, and baked a few rolls. And even though we were so busy we forgot to make the stuffing, our Thanksgiving dinner was delicious. It'll be fun when Aidan can eat some of it next year.

pumpkin, apple, blackberry, and blueberry - Jayze made the crust, I made the filling. So delicious. Oh, and yes we did give some away so we wouldn't eat it all ourselves! So much pie.

Thanks Mom for the onesie!

We felt beyond blessed this Thanksgiving year.

Christmas is just around the corner. I'm excited to finish up the semester, listen to Christmas music, bake some gingerbread cookies, party on my birthday, and celebrate our Savior, Jesus Christ this holiday season.